She looks SO much like her papa in this one!
As as an English teacher/mama, this picture of her at the library is my dream come true.
MissLady just started pulling herself up to standing. She's only done it a handful of times so far so I hope it continues. She also crawled on her hands and knees for a very short distance today, but I'm counting it. She's on the move so much now. A few days ago, she started trying to climb our stairs! She even wakes up in the middle of the night and starts rolling and crawling around, trying out all of her new skills. I don't try to hurry her back to sleep, so far it's worked out where I can half sleep while she's partying, then nurse her back to sleep when she's ready.
We had her 9 month check up and she's doing great. I feel very lucky that we like our pediatrician so much. She pointed out that Marlo's two front top teeth are coming in and that makes sense because the baby's been noticeably more irritable lately. We'll get through it, little sweetie.