Liguria is known for its pesto. Today, trofie Ligure--pasta with pesto, potatoes, & string beans knocked me on my bum! The pasta was fresh, surprisingly light, delicious, and I was addicted. EK and I shared the dish for lunch. As our other favorite trattoria was closed today, we went back to the same place for dinner so I could eat the same meal twice in one day! I've only done this before with California burritos, so we're talking GOOD. Tomorrow we plan to do much hiking in between the cities so hopefully the exercise will help even out these tasty indulgences! :)
Today I only took about 15 minutes to slowly ease myself into the Mediterranean. This is about a 5-10 minute improvement from yesterday! Most people swimming around, including EK, just dove right in. I have rarely been able to do this because I am such a wimp when it comes to the cold! Perhaps tomorrow I'll find the courage, but then again maybe not! Once I'm out there though, it's so great. I wish I could bottle up these sea sounds and smells and take them home with me--even the squawking seagulls in the middle of the night that I confused for seals. Today EK dubbed the sea feel left on your skin as the "crusty salty" of the sea. Per favore, vorrei ordinare due bottiglie dei "crusty salty" per portare via!
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