The movers came at 5pm and left around 8:30pm. We had a last minute come over, help us drink wine, and give us hugs!! get-together. We hope to be on the road tomorrow, but it depends. Eric still needs to sell his car, we need to take cats to the vet for meds, must clean place, etc. Saying good-bye--no--see you soon! to people you love is hard.
I start to cry, so I make myself think about when I did this 7 years ago, leaving Berkeley to move to Austin. While l had heard great things about Austin (totally justified!), I was scared and sad to leave my amazing city and loving friends. Fast forward 7 years, I've met loads of insanely wonderful people here, have become extremely attached to all of the thousands of things that make Austin awesome, and have been able to keep in touch and connected with my bay area friends I had to leave, to who I'm now returning. It's so strange how things work out.
So now that I'm tearing up again at having to say good-bye to Austin folks, I'll think about things like our wedding in Austin this March, with so many bay area folks eating Kerby Lane pancakes and singing karaoke at the Highball! Remembering this helps replace sadness with thoughts of Austin folks sipping coffee from bowls at Tartine or taking in redwoods and the Pacific at Pt. Reyes with me.
Until then, we're camping our last night in the bedroom. I hope the kitties are ok, they seem a little frazzled from the empty house. I may be projecting, but they do seem a bit worried. I hope they come join us on our campsite!
seaglass and squirrels All rights reserved © Blog Milk Powered by Blogger
OMG!!! I can't believe this! Like, seeing pictures...omg! Good luck on the drive!!! <3