Safe and sound

Sunday, July 15, 2012

After two and a half days on the road with three cats, we made it to our new home in San Francisco! We arrived late last night, went to a delicious breakfast this morning at Herbivore--3 blocks away, and made the obligatory trip to IKEA.

Our good friend and Eric's business partner, Rene, also recently moved out here from Austin. It's so nice to have him out here with us and sharing in this adventure. He came over to see our apartment this morning and went shopping with us. After seeing his place in Hayes Valley (just 1 mile from us!), we had burritos at El Castillito. EK and I shared a crazily huge "wet" carne asada burrito. Now I'm snuggling the cats on the air mattress (pod with all of our belongings arrives in 9 days) while Eric puts together furniture.

Now to make our new place resemble my "prettyhome" Pinterest board. How does one do that??


  1. Your place is so cute!!! HUGS!!! I hope that you are having a great time. It's so awesome that Rene is by you!!! Much love and I wish you the best :) XO

  2. Thank you, Cutehart!! I can't wait for you to come visit!!!!


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