After class, we went to our friends' Kiersten and Mary's place for a hang out to spend time with them and sweet, new baby son. I was super surprised and stoked to see old friends at their place, too! We spent hours smiling at their adorable baby, talking to good folks, and eating amazing treats. Also, Eric and I soaked up as much learning from the new parents as possible! We feel lucky to have other parent friends who live nearby.
It makes me excited for our baby shower, which we just sent out the invites for. It will be low-key--just friends, pizza, drinks, and children's books (we're asking our friends to help us build the baby's library by bringing their favorite books from childhood).
Last, I'll just go ahead and mention here that I've now gained 35 pounds: the maximum weight gain generically recommended for me by the interwebz and doctors. I still have somewhere around 5 weeks to go and will definitely gain more, but WHATEVS. It has definitely stressed me out--sometimes more, sometimes less--during this pregnancy, but I've been feeling OK with it for the most part. Might I have a good hormonal cry over this sometime on the next 5 weeks? Maybe, but I feel strong and healthy and have more important things to worry about. My plan is just keep trying to eat healthfully as I can for the baby and do my best to continue to exercise post-baby. My yoga studio offers Parent + Baby classes so we'll be able to take baby along to our workouts in the beginning! Plus, SF is a beautiful city for long walks with the stroller and babe. I have quite a few friends who gained more than what was generically recommended during their pregnancies and they all look amazing. Just wish me luck! :)
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