We had our baby shower last weekend and it was so incredible. I was blown away by all of our lovely friends who came and celebrated with us before baby arrives. It was low-key (no games, not much decorations). We fed folks pizza and asked them to bring a favorite book from their childhood to help build the bean's library. I so wish I had taken pictures, but I was also focused on being in the moment and just enjoying everyone's company. We had such a great turn out and I seriously felt so much love and support. One of my favorite things was all the new mamas and their families hanging out together in the bedroom, family communities on the bed! It was really beautiful.
Our friends are so thoughtful, as well! People very much shared with us pieces of themselves in the books they carefully chose. Our friends Jason and Carol gifted the baby several out-of-print books that they had to find on eBay and such! I'm so excited to read all of these stories to our sweet baby. We've already started, too. I love discovering these stories that my friends knew about and getting to share in the all the details that made them fall in love with these books.
In other getting-ready-for-baby news, we finished our last Bay Area Collective Home Birth Group Class this Monday. It was sad for me as I've LOVED the midwives who taught it and started to feel a nice connection with the other folks in the class. Choosing a home birth was a bit isolating at first, but the class helped normalize our decision and has helped me feel even more confident in what's about to go down anytime between now and the next month!
The best part is that both Kara and Nile, the lovely ladies pictured, are the two assisting midwives who help our midwives. This means we'll get to see one of them again when they are helping bring our baby into the world. What an intimate time and I'm so grateful that I will have the help of people I love and respect so much.
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