Miss Marlo: 6 Months!

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Six months is a big milestone to reach.  Sweetie has started eating real food!  She started swimming lessons!  She can go in a jogging stroller (though we have yet to purchase one)!  She's sitting up more by herself lately, not for too long, but each day she gets stronger and stronger.

She still loves baby rhyme time at the public libraries and we're still making the rounds.  Her favorite is Jim at the main library.  The man is so great with the babies and deserves his own children's show!  Marlo loves the song in Spanish where we walk, hop, and run (caminando, salta, corre).  I still love watching her watch scarves blow in the wind.  Her face really does light up.

We're trying out baby led weaning with her, and so far so good!  It is so impressive--her first food has been carrots and she just eats sliced, steamed carrots, even though she doesn't have teeth yet.  We're going to try steamed broccoli next.  The book on it has these wild pictures of other babies chomping away at foods I would have never guessed babies could eat on their own, like broccoli stalks, raw apples, and bread.

On her 6 month birthday, we went to the doctor and we're always thankful when we hear that all's great and baby's healthy.  Poor sweetie got 4 shots that day--it pains me to type that, but she still seemed in good spirits so we went to her second swim lesson later that day.  She did great and is already so much more comfortable in the water!  During her bath that evening, she rested and floated on her back for the first time without trying to arch and keep her ears out of the water.  It's so cool to see her adapt so quickly!

Update: 1 week later and she's conquering so many new skills! She sits up for extended periods of time now and even kicked the soccer ball back and forth with me! And by luck, I mean tapped and pushed with her foot.  My new favorite thing is how she reaches her little arm out of the carrier to grab things now.  It surprised me so much the first time!


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