On Marlo's 11 month birthday, we went to her friend Magnus's 1st birthday party. We dressed her up in this crazy adorable Baby Boden dress from her Nonni + matching mama stripes.
At 11 months, Marlo loves to wave to every person and animal she encounters. She climbs UP the ramp part of the slide on the playground! I know the pictures aboive are blurry, but they are most representative of her right now since she's moving so much. She's all about her push cart/walker--she LOVES that thing. She look so proud and walks all around with it. One morning, she melted our hearts by clapping when her papa and I kissed. She's fascinated with hardware like hinges, locks, and door jambs. She points out dogs and yells, "Dah!" She says, "Mama!" She says "Ba-Bye." She clearly signs for "more" and "diaper" (although at this point, sometimes the diaper is a false alarm). She uses a fork and spoon (when loaded by us and handed to her). FORTUNATELY, she's sleeping for longer stretches, typically waking about 2 times per night. As co-sleepers who are hoping to avoid sleep training, that's good news for us! She now helps put away some of the things she loves to pull down like books, records, toys.
And most sweet, is that she's a huge nuzzler and snuggler. She leans in and nuzzles, and presses her face against other babes, the cats, and us. She can also pat too hard, which looks like a slap! We're doing our best to teach her to be gentle. Marlo snuggles for everyone!
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