BabyButt Sunday

Monday, February 3, 2014

Was there a football game yesterday?  We went to the Academy of Sciences where we some some penguins, and checked out the exhibit on Africa.  Marlo stood for quite awhile (I placed her there--she's still working on regularly pulling herself up), then cried because she couldn't get down. :)

We just became members.  It's great with the baby since we can go back anytime and there's no pressure to see everything in one day.

We tried to take her to the planetarium, but learned it's only for 4 years & up!  Papa went while Marlo and I looked at the animals.  Maybe I'll go next time.  I want to learn about dark matter and dark energy, too!

I have a confession.  After the museum, the baby was napping so we drove to In 'N Out in Daly City.  Eric went in and ordered and so as not to wake the baby, we decided to let the car run the whole time.  Ironically, there's no such thing as getting in and out of In 'N out quickly, so the car running for probably a good 20 minutes.  And it worked!  The baby stayed asleep and we were able to enjoy our food.  We were not kind to the environment, but the burgers were so tasty.  Worst part: would I do it again?  Yes.    


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