Giorno 3: Euro Cup-->Italian living room fort

Thursday, June 14, 2012

This afternoon, we watched Euro Cup with our gracious hosts, Fabio & Betta. Their friend came over and brought a homemade cake with plums. Fabio served it with cafe, but because he didn't want to miss any of the game, he prepared it in the living room using a camping stove!! Only now do I realize how badly I should have taken a picture! Alas. It was so nice to watch the game with them. They were a bit frustrated because what was supposed to be an easy win for Italy, ended in the tie. You can't underestimate the underdog drive, ya?

We spent the earlier half of the day walking around, sightseeing, and poking our noses into shops. One of them was a vintage clothing store where the excited owner kept finding me pretty things to try on. I was happy to leave with her choice of a super soft night gown "dagli anni settanti!").

Below: scooter, speciale 50 (ala our fav Lunapop song!!!), + blood orange granite


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